Tuesday, 2 March 2010

14.5 Miles and a woozy 3 miler!

Ran 14.5 miles on Saturday and it felt great. The weather here in the north west of England has been amazing. Very cold but the sun is out which makes it much much easier to run. I've run up to a ridge and then back along it to my home town.

Now Sunday is my rest day so chilled out with the kids and then stayed up late to see Saving Private Ryan. What a film but that meant yesterday Monday I was a little tired as the film finished at 12.30 in the morning. I'd planed to do a 7 mile run but a mile in I felt dizzy and had to stop. In the end I limped in a very very easy 3 mile run feeling weird and light headed. I had a shower and fell straight asleep at 10:30pm.

You must get your sleep!! I'm also not sure if I drank enough water so that is another area I'm thinking about. Keep ya posted I have another 7 scheduled see how I feel!


buryblue said...

like the photo just makes you want to take to the road and run.

If you like Private Ryan perhaps you may have also seen Band of Brothers?

steve said...


I'm from BBC Radio Cumbria. I run a feature on the Ian Timms Show called Little Cumbria...

Each week I ask three different people to keep a dairy for five consecutive days, to tell the story of their lives.

Each diary entry needs to be 130 words, which is roughly 45 seconds in length.

Once the diary is written, we then arrange a time to record it... And then I mix the three different diaries together with a narrator and theme music, and make a mini Cumbrian soap.

It runs Monday to Friday at 1745, and is now entering it's 35th week.

It's a bit of fun, and works really well, and for it to last I want to keep bringing new voices to the feature.

I search local blogs because it is a great place to find people who enjoy being in the spotlight, and have talent for writing.

Would you willing to have a bash?

Here are my contact details... I look forward to hearing from you,


Steven Greaves | BBC Radio Cumbria
Annetwell Street, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 8BB
tel: 01228 592444
e-mail: steven.greaves@bbc.co.uk

Fat Boy Runs! said...

Hi Steven
I'll give it a go! I normally only hit my blog to when I have something to say! But keeping a diary for the week should be no problem I guess!!

I'll email you Monday when do you have a plan when you want me to blog daily!

Fat Boy Runs! said...

Cheers buryblue It's my favourite run goes up over the big ridge behind ulverston and looks over to Coniston then turns back and over looks both coasts on the Barrow peninsular!

If I do the full run you end up looking back up at the ridge and think Hey I ran that!