Friday, 11 December 2009

Hard week

The problem I'm having is that my company is busy but it's also needs feeding! to hit the right targets to make sure we all get paid the work needs to be done. This means that I'm working working working. First thing to suffer is the training. When I have done it it fees really good and I'm proud of myself for doing it but time and again I'm just knackered and do not go I have a fall back rule of at least a 7-8 mile to run over the weekend.

I know soon I have to start ramping up the miles for my first marathon next June. It's getting off my arse to do it..........

Keep ya posted


Kenley said...

Good luck in juggling the work and running. I know it can be extremely challenging. The making time for running is more challenging than the actual running. Keep it up! I added your site to my blog roll. Have a good one.

Fat Boy Runs! said...

Cheers! Your dead right there! Once out it's really good but hauling your arse out is the hard part. Not sure where your based but here in Lake District (UK) its dark from 4pm and cold and wet. Wet is fine in fact I like the rain but the cold can just get lost!

Kenley said...

I am based in Harrisburg, PA. North East Coast of US. Like, you, I don't mind the rain so much as the freezing temps in the winter time.